Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Delivery of Informative Speech

When I delivered my speech on Queen Elizabeth II I tried to use eye contact when I could I did not use many hand gestures because I was holding my note cards the entire time.  I did avoid vocal pauses and distracting mannerism when giving my speech I started from the beginning and went directly to the end without pauses.

I believe I used credible sources when I gave my speech.  I did not orally site my sources but I did have my sources cited so the audience could review them in my PowerPoint presentation.
My information was well organized and I believe that it was clear to my audience I had a lot of information to go over in a short period of time so I summed up as much as I possibly could.

I was adequately prepared in giving a lengthy speech but I noticed that I went over the 7 minutes when I rehearsed it I was actually right on the 7 minutes in length I didn't ave anyone in the room with me so I had to start recording and stop recording when appropriate so I think that is why my speech ended up being 8 minutes instead of 7.  I could have rehearsed a little longer because I used my note cards pretty much the entire time, and I should have been giving more of my attention to my audience.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Behavior's used by effective speakers

When giving a speech it matters what clothes you decide to wear when delivering your speech.  You should consider the topic, the audience, the occasion  the clothes you wear should not distract receivers from focusing on the ideas of your speech.  Behavior's used from effective speech givers can include:

Posture-Good speech givers are expected to stand when addressing your audience and not act stiff and just go with it as others to evaluate you as you speech.

Gestures-How we use gestures while giving a speech is important not to distract your audience from what is being said.  You need to give appropriate gestures that can be used to enhance the ideas contained in your speech.

Movements and Facial Expressions- It is important to avoid movements and facial expressions that will give your audience the wrong impression.  So it is important to keep movements and facial expressions to a limit when giving a speech.

Eye Contact-  It's important to look at everyone in your audience.

Behaviors that are exhibited by effective speakers are the ability to speak clearly, use eye contact, posture, gestures, movements and facial expressions, and controlling anxiety.  The language and content of your speech matters tremendously because using the proper main points and to ensure proper organizational design  to give a logical sequence in order to keep the audience from being confused.  By careful rehearsal of your presentation you can help develop the confidence and competence required to deliver an outstanding speech.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


I am doing an oral speech on Queen Elizabeth II because she is Head of State of the UK and 15 other Common wealth realms.  After doing some research on Queen Elizabeth II and found that earlier in her life as princess she impressed many during the war when she was a junior subaltern (second Lieutenant) in the women's services and worked as an auto mechanic.  I also found that Queen Elizabeth II was actually third in line to the throne when her uncle King Edward VII gave up the crown to marry a twice-divorced American.  King Edward VII passed the crown down onto her father King George VI, which would leave Princess Elizabeth heir to the throne, who later became Queen at the young age of 25.  I will be speaking about the Queens early life and reign, public life, marriage and family, and personal interests to learn more about Queen Elizabeth II and her life as Queen.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blogger Buzz: Grow your audience with the Google+ followers gadget

Blogger Buzz: Grow your audience with the Google+ followers gadget

Evaluating Participation in Intercultural Communication Group Project

When we were working on our group charter assignment it was a little confusing at first trying to figure out the best way to communicate.  So I created a document in Google drive and sent a link to all team members where we could work back and forth.  We also used e-mail to communicate.   It was also my idea to elect a group leader who spoke on behalf of our group, and having the group leader helped tremendously, he did a very good job working around our busy schedules and was always there to help the rest of the group with any difficulties they were having.  With the intercultural group project assignment I did what I agreed to do by completing my portion on the historical cultural conflict involved in the white supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan.  I inserted an introduction and conclusion into our report because I did not hear back from my group and the deadline was getting closer.  I also went ahead and moved all of our references to the end of the document in order to make the report look more professional and easier to read.  I feel that I did well in completing my portion of the project, and proofreading it for errors.

The things that I could have improved on are communicating with my group more often.  I communicated back and forth multiple times.  But, I think that with a clearer understanding of where everyone is as far as how far along they are on their part of the project it would have made it easier for us to move along quicker.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Intercultural Group Communication Project

I found the following credible source to research in order to get started on my speech project.  The article or website below will help me with my project because the article contains useful information about the historical background of Joan of Arc and other interesting facts needed to give my speech.  This article I feel comes from a credible source because it comes from the archives of Joan of Arc.  The article or biography also explains the culture differences and cultural information related to Joan of Arc.  It also gives an example and definition of the religious leader and the certain characteristics she possessed in which make her unique.

Williamson, Allen. (2002-2005). “Joan of Arc, Brief Biography."  Retrieved From http://archive.joan-of-arc.org/joanofarc_short_biography.html

Sunday, March 24, 2013

"The Mellennial" Generation

I belong to a generation called “the millennial” generation.  This generation belongs to those born after 1982, also called generation Y.
Key Characteristics of "The Mellennial" Generation
Special:  Have always been treated as special or important.  This generation of children has been the most wanted.  Every milestone was marked with celebrations and praise.  They may carry a sense of entitlement about them and have an expectation of frequent positive feedback.   It’s been instilled in them that they are vital to the nation and to their parents’ sense of purpose.  They feel they are here to solve world problems that older generations have failed to solve.  They may claim they want privacy, but they crave attention.
Confident: they are motivated, goal-oriented, and confident in themselves and the future. Grew up in time of increasing safety measures.  They were rarely left unsupervised.  They were sheltered from having to take care of their  own conflicts as parents advocated on their behalf, and “spared” them from unpleasant experiences.  As college students, they may expect facult6yu and staff to shelter, protect, and nurture them-and resolve their conflicts for them.  Millennia’s are the focus of the most sweeping youth safety movement in American history.
Team-oriented: they are group oriented rather than being individualists. They may sacrifice their own identity to be part of the team. They prefer egalitarian leadership, not hierarchies. They are forming a tight-knit generation. While they are group-oriented within their own cohort, they may “politely” exclude other generations. They do not want to stand out among their peers, they want to be seen as part of the group. They dislike selfishness and are oriented toward service learning and volunteerism.
Achieving: grade points are rising with this generation and crime is falling.  The focus on getting good grades, hard work, involvement in extracurricular activities, etc. is resulting in higher achievement levels. They see college as the key to a high paying job and success, and may miss the bigger picture of what a college education is all about. They are pressured to decide early on a career – and have been put on a career track orientation since grade school. Their focus is more on the world of achievement rather than personal development. The Boomer generation made their mark in the humanities and arts, whereas the Millennia’s prefer math and science fields.
Pressured: tightly scheduled as children and used to having every hour of the day filled with structured activity. This generation may have lost a sense of pure spontaneous play. They may struggle with handling free time and time management in general. In elementary, middle, and high school, have had more hours of homework and less free time than any of the previous generations. They feel pressured to succeed. They’ve been pushed hard to achieve, to avoid risks, and to take advantage of opportunities. They may take on too much, and then think others should be flexible with them when they want to negotiate scheduling conflicts. They think multi-tasking saves time and is a smart thing to do, but aren’t usually aware of the poorer quality of results.
Conventional: respectful to the point of not questioning authority.  They are civic-minded and believe the government knows what’s best and will take care of them. They fear being considered non-conformist. Their clothing, music, and cultural markings will be very mainstream. They value their parents’ opinions very highly. They support and believe in social rules, and are more in line with their parents’ values than most other generations have been. They are trying to invite rules and norms back into the culture.
Beliefs and Values "The Millennial" Generation

Live first, work second, Social causes, Flexibility, Balance, Fun, Friends, World travel, Diversity, The value of Meaningful work-, Authenticity, Friendships/Groups of Friends, Fast access to information, Experiential activities, The ability to travel the world,
The beliefs and values that identify me are the shift from social networks to face to face community networks. Use your knowledge to improve efficiency and create social change
Events occurring during “The Millennial” generation
Key historical events that occurred the millennial generations childhood effected our generation's current beliefs and values through the key historic events that occurred during my generation.   Our generation group up in the technology age and we got more engaged in social causes.  Violence was also a big part of our generation because of all of the following events that occurred through generation y.  Through these events generation y became more globally concerned, open and accepting of diversity, tech savvy, the “knowledge worker”, concerned about safety, team players, multi-taskers, and impatient

1993      NAFTA was passed  and The north American free trade agreement was passed
1994      U.S. Send troops to Persian gulf
1995      O.J. Simpson trial was found not guilty
1996      The first version of JAVA was created
1999      Columbine shooting
2000      Hubble telescope
2001      Twin towers and pentagon were hit by hijacked plane operated by Al Qaeda
2003      Space shuttle catastrophe
2003      Uday and Qusay were killed (sons of Saddam Hussein)
2003      Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected govorner of california
2003      Saddam Hussein captured
2004      Bush was re-elected as president of the United States
The events that affected my generation the most were September 11, global terrorism, terrorism on home soil, Columbine, Virginia Tech, high speed internet, text messaging, social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, environmental concerns, parents being laid-off, downsizing of corporate America, the melting pot  syndrome, plug and play knowledge, pop culture