Sunday, February 17, 2013


What information did you find interesting in the article you chose? Why?
I found the article The Truth About Change interesting because it talks about the influence that Language change has in social circumstances.  The reason I found this to be interesting because they speak about a person’s accent having such an effect on social context such as their fixin to move.  I believe that some hesitations could also fall into the change of language and how we perceive what other’s are telling us.

What did you learn that you did not previously know?
I learned what I previously did not know about American society and the English language is now following a single path of change under the irrepressible, homogenizing influence of mass media.  But, language is far too resourceful and social culture is far to complicated to follow any single path and that change is one of the inevitable facts in life of any language.

 What information did you find fascinating and wanted to learn more about?
I found that women often lead the way when it comes to change and my be different from the popular concept.  Most language change starts subtly and unconsciously among middle-class speakers and spreads to other classes and women often lead the way, and we also use language to  separate ourselves into social groups.

Finally, how will you use this new information in the future? Where? How?
I will use this new information in the future when speaking with co-workers and I will pay more attention to the grammatical changes that influence the way we speak.

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